big brother 11 chima quit read the whole story below
chima quits big brother
Chima has either quit or been asked to leave the "Big Brother" house. It is up in the air as to which one it is. I've seen a report that she was asked to leave (also with pretty good details, so check it out) but I've also read several reports that she quit. If she was removed, she's the third person to be removed. If she quit, she's the first person to quit "Big Brother."
After days and days of building tension within the walls of the Big brother 11 house things finally came to a boil around 2:40 AM Pacific Coast time.
Also I know is that she threw her microphone in the hot tub, wouldn't put it back on, was told she would have to pay for it and then lost her ever-loving mind. Screaming and crying and basically going bat-crap crazy (like we all knew she was). Sorry I don't have more for you, the feeds were down and now every time anybody talks about Chima on the feeds they cut to the fish screen.
We can tell you it is now over two hours after the event and there is still no Chima in the house. We can also tell you that Allison Grodner had been involved. Chima threw a microphone in the Jacuzzi. None of Chima's stuff has been packed. It is widely thought that Chima quit the show and was not booted from the show. Chima's picture is missing from the memory wall. The feeds were blanked out for over 60 minutes. Those are the few facts we have at this time. As more information becomes available we will make it available to you.
There is little news on the topic available because any time a house guest nears the topic of Chima and her exit, the live feed cameras are diverted to what we affectionately call the fish screen.
Big Brother Feed Highlight - Chima Might Have Sex With Russell
Big Brother 11 - Chima's Speech
Big Brother Feed Highlight - Chima Can't Sleep
To me, Big Brother 11 seems to have gotten out of hand this year. The elements I listed above are all signs in my book that the show is out of control and the “powers that be” are having trouble controlling the houseguests. While BB tells us to “expect the unexpected,” what I’ve seen so far lets me divide the houseguests into three groups of individuals: those who use threats, those who use force (in mild quantities), and those who, like the floaters, bury their heads in the sand. I honestly hope I am wrong but I feel that the executives in charge are out for the ratings at all costs no matter what happens to the people they chose to play the game. Let’s look at examples shall we!
The Thursday (August 13th) show was pre-taped instead of the usual live eviction. Of course, people who follow the show, have the feeds or read the updates heard of the change immediately and people speculated that this could be due to certain threats that Chima’s had made about bad behavior. What viewers saw last night appeared in my book to be the normal eviction show with nothing happening. Having seen how some television shows operate, I think spin control started immediately that the network/executives knew Jeff was using the power and wanted some control of how the show was presented. In an article on the website, The Wrap dated August 14, 2009, an interview with Grodner was carried where she used the words “emotionally charged, dramatic, and electric” to define what we saw last night. Honestly, I can say it was dramatic, but I did not see emotion (except from Jessie and Jordan) or electric because Jeff, in my book, used very poor acting skills in making his nominations. While Grodner promised us that the episode was shot live to tape she did acknowledge that there were “a few significant edits. Reading the rest of the article, and a few other places, there is evidence for me to draw a conclusion that Natalie and Chima threatened to quit immediately after the eviction.
First, though, a recap: the houseguests were divided into high school cliques; Jesse won HOH and an alliance quickly formed between the athletes and the brains; Jesse nominated Lydia and Chima; Ronnie played way too hard; Russell won POV and took Lydia off the block, Jesse put Braden up in her place.
Julie welcomes us, looking lovely in a red belted dress. We can finally see her baby bump! We go immediately to the post-veto reactions. Braden is completely confused at his nomination, so he obviously hasn't been paying attention to Lydia's desperate attempts to suck up to the boys in the athletes clique. Jeff realizes them putting Braden up was actually a shot at him, since they are aligned and Jessie can't put Jeff up this week. Jordan cries because people are turning against each other. Apparently she thought she was auditioning for "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" or something. Lydia is upset because Jordan cried when Braden was nominated but didn't cry when she was nominated. This makes her determine that she and Jordan were never actually friends. Or something. I cannot follow such idiotic logic, so I do not even try.
Braden suspects Lydia sold him out, and Russell tells him she pretty much "threw him under the bus." Braden confronts Lydia about what happened and she denies everything until Braden begins to personally attack her out of frustration. Kevin gets into it and a stupid three-way argument between Lydia, Braden and Kevin ensues. Lydia then brings Jordan into the mix, asking her why she didn't cry when Lydia was nominated. Jordan sanely says she was crying because Braden is on her team, and Lydia isn't. Lydia then says Jordan should be upset because it COULD have been her nominated instead of Braden. I seriously have no idea what is going on at this point. Lydia is crazy, yo. Then Jeff somehow gets into the mix and Kevin yells at him for not leaving Braden's side immediately when he was being a jerk to him and Lydia. Jeff is pretty incredulous. as am I. These people are yelling just to yell at this point. Jordan decides she's not letting her team lose a member without a fight and talks to Laura about getting them, Jeff, Ronnie, Michele and Casey together and getting Chima out of the house instead of Braden.You go, Jordan! I like it when people don't take things lying down, especially when those things help Jessie.
Now it's back live for Julie's Q&A with the houseguests. Here's what we learn: Russell and Jeff are both unapologetic about their screaming match, and instead of insight Jordan simply gives us a play-by-play recap of the fight between her and Lydia. In case we didn't see it, I guess? Does she not realize she's on television?
Finally, it's time for the good stuff: nominee speeches! Normally these are boring, but this week they are oh so wonderful. Braden meekly stands and talks about theirs being the best first week in "Big Brother" history (yeah, so not), and apologizes for saying mean things earlier in the week. When it's her turn, Chima totally calls Braden out, revealing that he called Lydia and Kevin _________ and __________ and ___________. At least that's what it sounded like on my TV. I love it when any reality TV contestant is called out on their BS, so it would have been AWESOME had CBS not censored what she said. Apparently, it was something misogynistic AND racist, so obviously there were some things edited from our broadcast seeing as we only heard the misogynistic remarks. Live feeders, any insight?
Next is the live vote, and it is actually interesting for once, with Jordan's plan seemingly working until things come up as a tie! Ronnie was the last vote and obviously too chicken to cast the deciding vote to evict someone in his own clique, which I can understand. Still, the look on Jessie's face had this happened would have been priceless. Of course, Jessie votes to evict Braden but for like five seconds there was some real excitement in this show! Woo!
In Braden's exit interview with Julie, he says he isn't surprised to be sitting there and either Ronnie, Michelle or Casey sold him out. Julie admits it was Ronnie, and Braden cops to thinking Ronnie has something inside of him that's sinister and dark. Heh.
The HOH competition this week is "Most Likely To," which is one of those typical contests where BB polls BB fans on the internet, this time asking them their first impressions about the houseguests' cliques. The goal is to guess who America picked as the majority. If you get one right, you get to eliminate someone, with the last man or woman standing winning. Laura is strong in the competition until she jumps the gun and guesses wrong, eliminating herself. Things get down to Ronnie and Michele of the Brains clique to fight out the last question, with Ronnie winning. The question is, who is he really aligned with right now? I would love to see some athletes on the block next week...but I have a feeling the only athlete who might make it up there is Jeff.
10pm Big Brother Time: They go outside and Jeff says Nice! Golf. The veto tomorrow. Nat says GREAT! Russel is good at golf! They take it over and begin to practice. When Michele comes out Lydia tells her it’s the veto tomorrow. Nat tells Lydia when she’s done to go wake up Chima cause they are the ones who need to fucking practice. As Lydia read the instructions. They have to golf and hit the hole without touching the snail glued to the center. Putt Putt golf. Russell is down and Jeff is telling him about the girls tossing his stuff out of the drawers. Russ wants to go check on his stuff. Jeff tells him his stuff is fine. Russ wants to know what Jeff said. Jeff tells him. Michele asks Russ does he happen to play mini golf. He says he’s actually quite good. They both get evil grins. Russ says Jeff plays too. Jeff says Huh? Then says yeah, he does. Kevin’s in the kitchen. Russ offers to cook for Kev and Michelle. Jordan is up now. She’s going to check out the mini golf. Says AWww Man! I’m horrible at mini golf. Kev asks if anything happened to her stuff.
She says just took them out and tossed them on the bed. Kev is eating oatmeal. Jeff tells him he’s crazy. Jeff tells Jordan he ate everything then they opened the door. Russ is making chicken and zucchini on the grill. Kev telling Jeff he had nothing to do with what went on in that room. He went in there and all his stuff was in Jeff’s drawers. He said “thank you!” then said “wait a minute! who’s stuff was in there?” then he took all his stuff back out and took it back where it was. Says they were trying to implicate me. I said leave me out of it. Russ and Kev fighting over the sink. All in fun. Michelle offers to help Jeff cook. He tells her no thanks. He likes to cook. Kev goes and wakes Chima tells her about the golf. Asks if the girls are practicing. Says she’s not going to do it. He encourages her to practice. She asks him if he’s done it. He says yeah and it’s easy. Just mini golf. 1Says there are many ways to hit it. Says it’s already 10 and last time they only left it out there for a little bit. She gets up and goes with him. After fixing her hair. He asks her if she has any laundry. She says “what’s her name” is doing it. They go outside after Kevin tells her just hit a couple then go back to bed. She goes outside and BB tells Chima to put on her mic. Kevin stays inside with the girls.
Natalie and Lydia tell Chima if she figures it out, don’t tell Kevin cause he’s going to try to FUCK them. Kevin brings Chima’s mic to her. Chima whacks the ball into the hot tub. Nat asks her what the FUCK she’s doing. Nat’s trying to save the ball from the hot tub. Its down in the filter I think. Lydia says FUCK, one of us is going to have to get in there to get it. And we get FISH. Nat Chima and Lydia decide they aren’t going to let the other practice. Nat will stay out there until 5 if they need to. Chima says whats the difference. One of US is going home. Why would they bother? Lydia tells them to pick her. She’s actually good at this. Nat says well I’m going to try! Kev is rebounding for them. Lydia says she’s been coaching Nat. Nat telling Chima exactly how to hit it. Nat says good thing we came out here. They were trying to get here first. Says Michelle was trying to take their balls. Nat says she doesn’t need to fucking practice Bitch! Kev asks Lydia so, you barely hit it and barely miss the snail. Lydia says yes. Nat asks him if he wants to play. He says you two need to practice. Lydia tells Kevin and Chima to make sure they are behind the line. Kevin says someone (he) said the only advice he could give was to try it from different angles. The girls figure out that the snail is going to move. They are talking like Kevin is trusted again now. The other group is just getting things ready to cook. Guess they know they don’t need to practice too. Laughing Girls and Kev having fun playing outside.
Russ going outside to start the grill and Jeff tells him to feel free to put one of those chicks on there too. Jeff tells them that the girls started washing all their clothes again. He’s at the end of the line again. Another hour after taking it 2 hours earlier. Says he’s sick of the shit. He’s tired of holding it in. He’s going to blow up. Can’t take this bullshit. Jeff now talking about how much stuff people waste here. Jeff sitting in the smokers area. Just watching them girls playing… really more staring off into space than anything else. Nat and Lydia still trying to get the ball out of the hot tub. Big Brother calls Jeff to the diary room. Russ putting stuff on the grill Girls decide to cook steak tomorrow. Or kabobs. Nat asks Lydia if she has stuff to wash after this load. Nat struck the ball on the snail on the game. She’s proud of that. Nat saying she (Michelle) can sit there all night long. Michelle is on the other end of the sofa. Nat says, FUCK I”m going home. Girls go over how much they need to wash tonight. They decide they need to wash all the chicken suits next. They talk about Michelle not having any friends now the others aren’t sitting with her. They laugh about Jeff asking Nat about his clothes being moved. Makes out like she told him stuff she didn’t. Says she’ll tell her about it inside. Nat starts to tell them what Jeff and she said to each other. But when Russ comes back outside she says, I’ll tell you later. Nat hits Lydia with the club. Says right on her cut. Lydia calls her a ho. Lydia is finally on the inside. She should be grateful that Jessie went home because that’s the only way she got inside with that group. Nat goes back to talking about what she and Jeff talked about. Chima asks her why she did it if she wasn’t going to tell him she did it and why she did it. Nat says she’s here for the next week just to piss him off. That’s why she did it. Nat says it’s a stupid comp. Lydia says she wants to go to the green room and says when they go inside they are going to take the balls with them. She warns Nat not to over practice. Nat says she doesn’t know if they should take the balls or not. Everybody just watching Nat play. Kevin retrieves the balls for her. Now’s Chima’s turn and Kevin still retrieving balls. Chima really seems to suck at this. She’s more worried about swinging her hair around than learning the game. Chima leaves. Lydia wants to play pool. Nat wants to keep practicing. Makes Kevin stay to help her. Lydia and Chima at laundry. Trash talking Michelle. Lydia mouthing off loudly about weak women and how she hates them and women who let men trash talk them and treat them bad. Laughing. Russ comes out and looks over to the couch and says something to someone. Lydia and Chima go inside. Jeff is on the sofa. They are trying to bait him
Chima and Lydia are sitting on the dryer talking. Big Brother tells Chima to exchange her microphone with one in the storage room. Chima says she’s not going anywhere. Nat asks Lydia to please. Chima says no. She says Michelle fucked her so she’s not doing anything. Kevin to Chima - you know there are just gonna keep bothering us until you put it on. Chima puts it on and says into it - you guys can suck a dick. Russ asks Kev if he knows where his rosary is. Kev tells him no. Russ really serious and wants it. Chima tells her she would like to see her hit Russell in the head.. she adds it would be an accident .. you know like how he accidentally hit you on the head. Lydia talking about double eviction .. says it will be next week ( as not in this coming one ) or the next… she says I hope Jeff and Jordan get double evicted. She tells Chima if she wins veto … she will use it. Lydia - I want to hide his ( Russ ) hat .. and I know where we can hide it too.. up high. Chima- because he is so short. They laugh.
11:15pm Big Brother Time: Jeff, Jordan and Michele watch Natalie the game. Jordan wonders if they are sitting on the dryer so they can’t use them. Michelle says she doesn’t think so. (They are though) They discuss that Nat is not a good player and that Kev will change again next week. Russ takes the game! Natalie is actually tossing the balls back to him. Big Brother telling Chima to put on her mic back on. Chima mocking Big Brother put your microphone higher. She puts it lower …at her waistline..and then under her shirt. They laugh. Jordan and Jeff discuss that they now want Chima out this week. Jordan saying that she took the hot sauce and didn’t bring it back. Jordan thinks Chima is going to pour it on either them while they are sleeping or their stuff. Jeff says if they do he will light their shit on fire. Jordan says you can’t do that cause you’ll get evicted. Jeff says then I’ll set THEM on fire. Jordan hopes that Nat wins POV and they can put Lydia up. Jordan calls her a cunt. Jeff says no matter who is against me at the finals, they will vote against me. Jordan talks about how Russ has really nice name brand stuff. Nope, that’s Kevin. Jordan thinks maybe they should get Kevin out before Lydia because she thinks Kev is smarter. Jeff just grunts. Jordan says when we get them out, Lydia will be all over us. She brings up the secret Lydia told Jordan and Jeff outside. Blackmailing Lydia with it. Jeff says FUCK that. I’m just going to tell it. Jeff says this is a nightmare.
11:25pm Big Brother Time: In the Red Bedroom, Natalie says they did take my red shirt. Lydia- no they didn’t …They check their shirts. Chima - maybe someone else took your large that you had up there .. I wouldn’t put it past them. Kevin- you know what they took mine too. Nat- did you leave them out? Kevin - whatever. (They are talking about Big Brother taking them I think because they decide if you leave them out they can take them but if they are in your drawer they can’t ) Natalie- thievery. Lydia complaining that someone took her wife beater. Chima- it was probably Russell… the little thief. Lydia going through all the drawers in the Pool Bedroom. Kevin– Russell asked me about the rosary. Lydia- you don’t know anything about it. Kevin- he must have thought I had it ….Natalie - he came and looked in my fucking bed.. like I would have it there. Lydia going on and on about where her wife beater is. Chima- he ( Russ ) is probably washing it .. like it’s his. Kevin- if they come in I don’t think that we should tell them what we are doing …They say we won’t. Big Brother calls Jordan to the diary room. They decide to use the blankets to try to block the board that they have made with M&M’s for their strategy sessions. Chima- we could go in the Have not Room. They are now using play doh for their markers. Chima, Kevin and Natalie focusing on the board and what happened on what days. Natalie- I know everything, except for week one, that’s not complete. They decide they will tell the others that they are ..just playing checkers. Natalie wants Lydia to braid her hair tomorrow …She also says if she is going to do her doll ( play doh ) before she leaves. Lydia - yeah. Chima- you are not leaving .. if anyone is leaving it’s me. Nat- they want me out. Lydia - the haven’t won a HoH yet. Nat- I one won. Chima- and I hung in there on the endurance. Nat to Chima - it’s not about the comps.. it’s because they don’t like you .. and for me .. it’s about Jessie. They talk on saying that the kicker was when Michele told them that she always knew what she was gonna do. Chima- well maybe all the times that Russell said she was a liar .. she was… and she was throwing me under the bus. Lydia- he is a piece of shit person. Chima- and she (Michelle) is too ..she hangs around with him. Nat saying she is going after Michele. Chima- I told Michele that … it’s called… karma. Natalie says her speech for the veto ceremony is going to be that anyone that takes Jeff out of the game will have her vote (in the jury house) and if it’s Russ that’s fine. Chima- that’s it for those 3 (Jeff/Jordan/Michelle) and as much as I hate Russell .. I would vote for him to win. Chima back from the kitchen says I think Jeff just heard all of that. Kevin- what? Chima- what we were saying about them all fucking themselves. Lydia saying she can’t believe that Russell hasn’t gone off yet. Kevin- because he’s smart. Natalie- Russ knows all the numbers and the event that happened when they happened because of Ronnie helped him.
12am Big Brother Time: In the Red bedroom, Nat is grilling Chima, Kevin and Lydia on what happened when in the house. Nasty Chima does have her mic back on,but is sitting there like someone owes her something. Lyd says that she going to do her clothes, Chima says that she’ll come with her. Chima tells Kev that he needs to get his in before they usurp the washer and dryer. Chima, Nat and Lydia have been using the washer and dryer ever since the Have/Have Not competition today. In the backyard, Jeff is practicing for the upcoming POV, Jordan is spotting him. Chima, Lydia and Kevin are out there getting another load in and out of the washer/dryer. Chima and Kevin go in and Lydia tells them to leave the door open.
12:15am Big Brother Time: In the red bedroom, Nat and Kev still going over everything using the chess board and the play doh. Chima thinks that one of her dresses has shrunk, she hangs it up and takes it to the CR. Chima tells Nat that she’s just going to throw the POV and go on home. Now, she’s going off about someone eating her Cheetos. The last person that I saw eat them was Nat and she was shoveling them as fast as she could. Chima says that if someone has eaten all of them that she’s going to go off. Chima is looking for the darn Cheetos, she heads to the backyard. She slides the door open and asks if anyone had eaten them. Jordan tells her that they were in the Kit. She comes back and tells the red bedroom group that she KNOWS that Russ ate them. She heads to the pool room and takes Russ’s hats that he wears during the live shows. She takes them and goes to the CR, wraps them in a blanket and flops them in the storage behind the CR bed. She goes back to the pool room, goes through his drawers and comes back out.
12:40am Big Brother Time: In the backyard, Jeff, Russ and Michelle still practicing. Jeff and Russ are good,must be playing some golf and they’re bound to have a great putting game. Jordan comes back out. Russ is taking a turn now,Jeff is telling them about the break and where to shoot it. He thinks that it’s going to be more than what they’ve got out there. Russ thinks that there’ll be cash prizes to try to get them out of the game. Jeff tells them that he’ll give 10 G’s to get Chima out so he doesn’t have to listen to her anymore. Jordan tries her luck with it and does fairly well. Jeff is back up,he misses all 4. Russ tosses the balls back to him. He tries again and does better. Russ is up. Jeff is making fun of Chima and talking in a high voice saying…”where my Cheetos?”. He tells them that Chima’s asking where her Cheetos are and Nat’s lips are all orange. That Nat is reading the book about doing stuff to people’s things in the house. Jordan is standing there doing her bubbie exercises. Russ tells them that if the red bedroom bunch is raiding their stuff that he’s going to go off. Russ tells them that he had to be the asshole and come over and take the game away from them. Jeff says that he knew that Nat was tired of it and just wanted to be hateful about it. He starts a story about his 4 year old niece…FISH. Mich is playing the game and missing the little peg at the bottom by a tiny bit.
1:10am Big Brother Time: In the backyard, Kev has joined them, he and Mich are on the sofa while Jordan practices. Russ has farted and Jeff runs away, and tells him that he stinks. And the feeds cut to FISH again.
chima simone big brother 11
2:40am Big Brother Time: The feeds finally come back after about an hour and a half. They come back but only briefly. Nat looked to be in the backyard, Russ was in the storage room, Kev was prowling around outside the diary room and Lydia was at the kitchen counter. And the feeds cut back to FISH. They come back a few minutes later. In the kitchen, Russ stirring up something and it was Jordan at the counter. Jordan is telling him that she thought that he was going to be hard to talk to when she first met him. Jeff and Mich come through, Russ is getting ready to cook. He’s made some salsa and they are digging in. They all seem right happy. No sign of the red bedroom bunch. Jeff tells him that it’s spicy as a “maw faw”. Hmmm, looks like it might be Guacamole that he fixed. The counter crew is eating and Russ is cleaning up. Jeff keeps blowing because of the heat in the whatever Russ fixed. Mich tells Jeff that she’s drank so much coffee tonight, Jeff tells her that he was drinking decaf. She tells him that she did because she thought that she’d be up playing golf all night. Jeff just said that he hopes they put another person on the block. Russ just said that he thought that “they” were going make tomorrow more fun. Jeff is talking about he thinks that if Nat leaves that Lydia will be fine. Russ is talking about they’re going to have to replace a jury house member!
2:50am Big Brother Time: Jeff gets up and goes to brush his teeth. Russ asks Jordan if all her stuff is there. Jordan tells him that she doesn’t think that “she” took anything of hers. Michelle tells them that she has anything that means anything to her upstairs. Jordan tells them that she always tried to stay on Chima’s good side. Russ says that he didn’t, that he’d take her on any day of the week. Russ just said that one of the first meetings that she’s going to have is with the legal department!
3am Big Brother Time: In the kitchen, Jeff comes in and asks them if they ever feel like you want to rip your hair out? They all look at him funny. He’s had his hat on all day and he’s running his hands through his hair raising it up on his head. Jordan is talking about Chima having drank Green Tea and is it good for you. Mich tells her that it is that it does good stuff for you. Jeff just said…and then there were 7! CHIMA’S GONE! Jeff says that it’s been an exciting day and you never know what’s round the corner in this house. Michele says that she was in a shitty clique. Everyone from your clique and my clique are gone but the only gone from yours is Jessie. Jeff says that he was kind of in his own clique. Jordan says that she won’t sell her stuff on eBay. Jordan is talking about her brother and he had a speech impediment with his R’s and he’s still says her name like “Jordan.” Michele says that her little brother had trouble with R’s and couldn’t say fork and it would come out, “Where’s my fuck, where’s my fuck?” Russell is telling the story how Lydia made blueberry pancakes with grapes and they all are cracking up. They start telling Casey stories and how he would always eat everyone’s food and never clean or do dishes. Jeff tells the story about the margarita party and how everyone else had they’re sombrero’s on and looking down eating and Jeff tells him that he was going on the block and you’re wearing a banana suit. He said that Casey didn’t believe it and had to go to Jessie and check and came back and told Jeff that he was going on the block. He asked Jeff how he knew it and Jeff said look at everyone, they weren’t looking at you.”
3:20am Big Brother Time: Russell asks Jeff and Jordan if they’re going to get married. She says no that they are BFFs. Russell says that BFFs don’t kiss and Jordan says that they’ve only kissed like one time when Ronnie was in there and maybe one other time. Jeff says that they’ve got to keep it business. Then he smiles and asks Jordan, “Do you want to go to bed?” Natalie comes in the kitchen to get something from the fridge…and Jordan keeps talking so that theres not an awkward silence. Russell, Michele and Jordan are talking about Chima and how she was mad. Jordan says, “I wouldn’t even worry about it, she’s gone now!” Michele says that she was worried that Chima would come after her and hit her. Russell says that Chima was trying to bait him and that they all knew that she called him a terrorist. Jordan leaves the kitchen. Michele tells Russell that she wanted to throw milk shakes and scalding tea on you. Michele says that Chima and Jessie tried to intimidate her. Russell says that Chima was not used to confrontation. Russell hopes that she gets fined and has to apologize to everyone. Michele says that even though it’s a reality TV show, we are employed by this place and we’re here to do a job. Kevin walks through and goes outside. Russell asks Michele if they are close. She waits to answer and she feels bad because he’s in the middle. Russell asks Michele why she did nominate Chima. Because she was so adamant about not being in that chair, she wanted to take out Jeff, and she threw her friend under the bus. She mistreated everyone, me, you… Russell is promising his allegiance to Michele that if she were up on the block and he wins PoV he would take her off the block. Russell apologizes to Michele for being a “cock” to her and says that she’s like a guy and lets it be squashed. Russell says that when someone punches me, I punch back. Someone yells at me, I yell back. I feel that she won and America. I had to sit outside for 2 weeks all alone because of her and no one even told her to stop or shut up. Russell says that his dad taught him that when you make a mistake, step up and admit it and people will respect you and you will respect yourself. Some people don’t know when to admit: I’m sorry, I fucked up. Russell says that Kevin is his next target and would love for them to be the final 4, they fist pound and he says that it would be fun if they were final 2.
4am Big Brother Time: Jeff and Jordan in bed and he is telling her about Chima and how she was raped and beaten. Jordan says that she didn’t know and feels bad. She was one of the reasons why the rapist got caught because she lived through it. They think that might have something to do with her attitude toward men and her craziness. Jeff says that she probably needs a psychiatrist and thinks that she needs professional help. She’s got a lot of fucking anger inside. Jordan thinks that she is beautiful and tells Jordan that he has to admit it. He says that he sees the ugly in people and he doesn’t think she is. Jordan says that she does have a nice side and maybe that she’s bipolar. Jordan thinks that BB might help her and maybe she’ll listen to them and talk to someone. He says that someone has to want to be helped. Jordan says that she feels bad now but Jeff warns her to not talk about it since they don’t know all the details. Jeff is saying that he overheard the brats saying that “why not, what do you have to lose?” And that BB is catering to them because they don’t want them to quit too. Jordan says that she snuck in the bedroom so that Russell wouldn’t follow them and that’s he’s probably trying to make final 2 with her. Jeff says that he wants to wait another week and then get him. Michele comes to the pool room to see Jeff/Jordan. Jordan says that they were talking game. Michelle says that she’ll sleep in the pool room, she doesn’t care. Jeff goes to the bathroom and Russell is doing the pee dance waiting on Jeff to finish. Michele says that no one wants to use her big awesome bed and Jeff says that he needs to go back to the ghetto where he belongs. Meanwhile, Natalie and Lydia are in the red room and Lydia says that tomorrow should be interesting.
4:10am Big Brother Time: Jeff and Jordan are in bed joking that it’s over. The camera moves and makes the sound and Jeff says that he hates that while Jordan says that she doesn’t notice it. Jordan says that it’s so late and tells him that he feels so skinny. She says that he better start eating a lot to fatten you up. Jeff says, Fuck. Jeff asks Jordan to scratch his back before she goes up to the HoH to sleep with Michelle. Jeff asks, Are we supposed to be talking? You’re abandoning me for HoH but don’t forget where you came. Jordan jokes and says, You’re the worse partner ever. Jeff laughs and responds, Yeah, I’m the worse! Jordan says that she was really mad at him during the competition. Jeff says that he couldn’t deal with this shit and please don’t be mad. The feeds keeps going in and out. Jeff is totally teasing her about the contest. Jordan jokes that they aren’t partners anymore and jokes that “thank God that me and Russell are partners now.” Michelle comes back down because she doesn’t want to be alone and Jeff asks to turn out the light. Back to competition talk and Jeff says that we did good Jordo. They are laughing and giggling. Russell is walking like a zombie to find the door in the dark. Michele jokes about not having domestic violence in the house. Jordan says that he beat me walking up the steps and he wants to drown me. Double drown. Michelle says that they’re having a pool party and he’s not invited. He asks why and they say because he’ll drown them. He says that he’s a lifeguard but not for real. Michelle is complaining that her tummy hurts and probably because of the guacamole dip. Jordan says that it was spicy and that her body was getting hot. Out of no where, Jordan says that for some reason her leg hairs grow real fast here. Russell says, How random. Jordan says it might be the razors and Jeff agrees. Everyone cracks up laughing.
4:40am Big Brother Time: They finally decide to go to sleep. Michelle is sleeping with them as to not separate. All HG’s sleeping. Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia are in the red bedroom. Jordan, Jeff, Russell, and Michelle are in the pool bedroom. Michele didn’t want to sleep alone and wanted to be with Jeff and Jordan.